The easiest way to listen on your Personal Computer is right here on sexfm.live!
Do you have a cell phone? Download the live365 “app”, “search” for SexFM, and add it to your “favorites”.
Plenty of Video Games support streaming of internet radio stations, including but not limited to Pacific Drive, VRChat, 2nd Life, and Voices of the Void.
How to listen will depend on the platform, but you’ll probably need an .m3u file or direct link to get either to work. Both are provided below!
(more detailed walkthrough for pacific drive and 2nd life coming soon)
Above are the recommended methods of listening on desktop or mobile. However, if you experience issues for any reason, there are a number of alternative methods for tuning in!
Direct linkDirect links are an easy alternative to the Live365 player, but they can be less reliable. They also don’t provide any metadata (Song name, Artist name, etc.). These are only recommended if the main player is giving you trouble, or you don’t want the tracking cookies built into it (that we can’t remove).
Live365 Website
Live365 has their own website that you can use to tune into the station! …we don’t really know of any good reason to use it, but it’s here if you want it.
https://live365.com/station/SexFM-a25222M3U File
An M3U file contains directions how music players (like VLC) to stream our station. It’s also used by other programs, like Pacific Drive! Download it here.